
Friday, January 15, 2016

Gay sex education and bullying

Bullying should be addressed as buylling, and the sexuality of the victim should be irrelevant. 

Where did you get the idea that I said education about gays will make thing worse? I see nothing wrong with education if it fits in the curriculum and is age appropriate. I just don't see that this should be a thing people form parades and shout about. It is also not necessary at least in High School to get into detail about sex practices.

Yes, kids do know about sex, and they find what teachers try to explain stilted and old news and funny. This sort of thing does no good whatsoever. If you are going to teach about it, teach them something that they don't already know. 

Bigotry needs addressing, but in the general context of all forms of bigotry. Singling out bigotry against gays just provides an excuse to engage in it. I am of the pretty firm opinion that there exists a bigotry spectrum in human personalities, and there is an extreme of liberal people and an extreme of natural bigots, who automatically "hate" anything that isn't them. I just don't expect education to have much effect. For example, I've seen lots of internal bigotry among gays (those who hate drag queens, standard racists, misogynists, and so on). They should know better, having experienced the effect of bigotry themselves, and most gays learn the appropriate lesson, but some don't and no amount of arguing with them has any effect.

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