
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Freedom and the fraud of republican democracies

"Rights" and freedoms are necessarily limited. Physics, our own health, the rights of others, and many other factors serve to restrict us. Therefore just parading a slogan about "surrendering your rights" is almost meaningless and just propaganda that you have swallowed. America is not a free country. In fact I could cite dozens of ways Vietnamese are freer (and others where they are not). Cambodia, where I live now, has free elections where a given party and a given leader somehow manages to always be re-elected, but the country is much freer than any other I know of, I guess because that particular guy is smart and well intentioned and good at what he does (kinda puts me in mind of The Patrician in Ankh Moorpark).

Representative democracies where officials are said to be "elected" are nowadays just frauds. The people are rarely if ever happy with the very limited choices they are provided with, and the majority of voters are prejudiced, illiterate, emotional, easily swayed by propaganda, slogan lovers, and even people who vote for someone because they like their looks. It is a joke even if the choices were honest.

And look at the roll of Congress -- only a few are not lawyers. American has a dictatorship of the legal class.

I do not advocate socialism. I advocate a mixed economy where government and private interests are both involved, constantly adjusted as needed.

A final point, if I may.  
Something I should have dealt with earlier but just now thought of. I am not "utopian." I have no dreams of perfection in any government. That doesn't mean we should not keep an open mind and look at different systems and try to see what is good and what is bad in them. Americans are blind in that way.

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