
Monday, January 18, 2016

Adam and Eve, the forbidden fruit, mans dominon over the animals

A comment about Adam and Eve. That story is one of the more mischievous and unfortunate tales in our culture.

It portrays snakes as evil and cursed animals.
It portrays women as conniving and as the initial source of sin in the world ("By Eve sin entered the world")
It portrays man as ruler of the animal kingdom, having been supposedly given dominion by God.
It portrays woman as made for man's benefit and after man was made.
It tells us of a God who creates a temptation (the forbidden tree) right in the center of the Garden where it would get a lot of attention, and then, being omniscient, full knowing that Adam and Eve would break the command, nevertheless condemns them to death after a life of toil and suffering for doing it.
It tells us of a God who further condemns all of man's descendants (and the rest of the animal world to boot) to death and suffering for this offense, even though the descendants had nothing to do with it. 

It all is a bit too much for intelligent people able to see beyond childhood indoctrination. It is in fact laughable in its idiocy and primitiveness.

Worse, it is used by religions as an excuse for despoiling the environment, for dominating women, and puts snakes in a superstitious category.

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