
Friday, September 19, 2014

Some always are cynical about love of country to the extent of willingness to die for it and say things like, "What has my country done for me."

I really don't know about such people.  The word "selfish" comes to mind, but I think it goes beyond that to a sort of effort to be "sophisticated" and not have emotions -- good emotions -- about one's motherland.

As a rational issue, a country cannot persist without patriots, and that is the way our world now is organized.  It may be that someday the nation-state will disappear, but there will always be one's city, one's culture, one's neighborhood and eventually one's family.

I think the person who scoffs patriotism is the sort who throws trash out onto the road with no compunction so long as no one is watching.  Pride in one's country is just an extension of pride in oneself.

Nationalism, though, is a political disease.  We have seen a lot of that in Scotland (although I am sure many of the yes votes were patriotic and not nationalistic, the campaign was mainly nationalistic, which is what soured me on it).

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