
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Now a comment about the theme, "something from nothing."  I think the biggest problem those who object to the universe somehow coming into existence from nothing is that they have an intuitive notion of what "nothing" might be, but nothing rigorous.  It is just an intuitive concept we evolved as we grew up but really have no idea what we might be talking about when we use the word.

A true nothingness, without space or time, would not have time.  It would not go on forever and ever because there would be no time for it to go on in.  I think this is quite a mouthful to try to chew, and some people cannot get their minds out of the box they have that is to them "common sense" and conceive a no-time situation.

What is possible in a true nothingness?  Well it seems the question is without meaning. 

Now is it possible to say that nothingness cannot exist?  There is a sense this sentence is true, since saying something cannot exist contradicts the concept of nothingness.  Nothing is defined as lack of existence, so nothing cannot exist.  How can something that cannot exist, exist?

Maybe that is just a language game and we could rearrange the definition of "exist" to include the null set by special exception.  

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