
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Judge not lest ye be judged

We have to make judgments about people all the time, if nothing more than for our personal safety.  Underwriters and loan officers have to judge, as do police and jurists and employers and on and on.  The Bible's words here need to be taken a little differently if not just disregarded.

When I'm dealing with someone I think is a con artist (such as the new US President), it is appropriate to make that decision and act accordingly; when dealing with a spoiled child, the same, when dealing with a pan handler or beggar, it is difficult because charity calls for giving but not enabling alcoholism or something like that.

So we judge, but if we are good people we judge with compassion, realizing we are all human and there are reasons that may be out of the person's control for the way they are.  Still, society must function and hence wrongdoing must be discouraged.

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