
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Politics and energy technology

The efforts of the energy companies, mainly oil and coal, to prevent substitution of their products with renewable energy (and deny the problems their products cause) put me in mind of the efforts of the tobacco companies and now the soft drink companies to deny and hide the problems of their products.  It's enough to make one a socialist, except socialist enterprises are no better.  To rise to the top of a large business requires a certain ruthlessness, amorality, and willingness to put profit ahead of people.

The only solution has to be political (regulation, subsidies for alternatives to jump start them, etc.).  Unfortunately the established businesses have lots of resources and lobbyists and, well, after the mess the Americans just created in the world, a lot of foolish voters easily taken in by propaganda.
Who knows, we may get lucky and technology come along that simply out-competes the established firms on its own.  This could happen, and there are signs it may happen, but I continue to fear the political power of the political right to prevent a switch-over even then.

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