
Saturday, July 9, 2016

Self-selected police

I have to say I really do have a problem with the self-selection that seems unavoidable, as who wants to be a cop, who wants to be a lawyer, who wants to hold political office, and a lot of similar things.  Anyone who actually wants to be these things should automatically be disqualified.  

As I understand it, the ancient Athenians had a solution, although it wouldn't work and didn't work, maybe it might with some tweaking.  Officeholders were chosen at random (except those in charge of the waterworks, where expertise was needed), people had to bring their own lawsuits and represent themselves in court, and the police consisted of slaves who were told to do a good job and observe the law or go to the mines.  Laws were passed by the assembly of all male citizens -- not a wise idea as it lead to a series of decisions that resulted in loss of the Peloponnesian War and conquest by Sparta.  It also meant effective orators, like Pericles or Demosthenes, had inordinate and inappropriate and ultimately disastrous influence.

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