
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The American immigration issue

America needs immigrants, and if you people would get over your prejudices and fears you would see that.  The population is aging and there is not going to be enough workers to pay to give the elderly even a decent life.

Yes it would be really smart to be selective in who comes -- as far as skills and English and health and so on, as countries like Australia do.  Anyone who meets standards along those lines should be encouraged and even subsidized to immigrate. 

Still, it is not possible to keep out people with the initiative and determination to get in.  Hasn't the country by now learned the futility of trying to enforce laws where there are millions who break them?  Be realistic even if you are inhumane and bigoted.

It is just simply not sane to think America could deport all the illegals there now -- twenty million is it? -- That would require a Fascist type of regime and would destroy the US economy and result in all sorts of civil disturbances and be totally inhumane, making the country be seen worldwide as a pariah.

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