
Friday, January 15, 2016

Childhood religious indoctrination

Some believers seem to use the hostility and rudeness of some atheists as a reason for believing in God.  That does not follow.

Something I would suggest you think about -- the atheist usually had a religious upbringing of some sort, which means they got the usual childhood indoctrination. Religions know that they will disappear if they can't indoctrinate children before the children learn critical thinking skills.

Well then these people figure out that what they were indoctrinated with as children is false. It takes a long time and indoctrinated beliefs are not like intellectual opinions -- they have an emotional hold on you and doubting them causes fear and guilt. Indeed most religious memes uses both of these emotions far more than they use rationality.

The person eventually resolves this and, not unexpectedly, develops a hate for what was "done to them" and the agony the religious caused them. I have to say I admire those who have the intellectual strength to make such a break far more than those who also go through the experience but end up "returning" to the fold and being rewarded with empty joy and meaningless peace.

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