OK I am frustrated, and not just by an unresponsive computer.
First, in the earlier posting I put my points in personal terms, trying to
make it more effective; maybe I shouldn't have as this seems to mislead
people to think I'm talking about a personal problem, and I am talking
about death, a universal problem. The point I make is that it is a
problem, something wrong that we should try to fix.
Second, when I say I "fear" dying, it is not like I hide under the
bed. I rather resent people boasting about how they don't fear death so
much but this or that instead. Horse hockey puck. Let us be honest,
if not on these boards at least to ourselves. Also, if there were no
fear there, then what virtue is achieved in saying that those who lean
on religious notions of personal after-lives are largely motivated by
this fear?
Finally, let me make it clear that I agree there are worse things than
death, although when one reminds oneself that death is forever the list
becomes short. There are circumstances where I would die for my family
and friends, even for my country and certain ideals. Indeed I would
rather die myself than kill someone. I have had this discussion before
-- I think it takes a visceral understanding of death as a real thing to
understand this, as the unfortunate notion of a "right" of self-defense
is so ingrained in our cultures.
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