I wonder that of all the paranormal things that skeptics hereabouts
demolish so well, they leave dream interpretation alone, as far as I've
seen. Interpretations of various sorts of dreams are offered and no one
raises questions and to how valid they might be.
A couple things bother me. First, dreams are not remembered well enough
or in enough detail, and then described well enough, for anyone to be
sure some critical detail has not been omitted.
Second, and more important, I think the idea of dreams as symbols is
largely discredited, and even more symbolic messages. Our dreams have
to do with what is happening in our lives. I bought an aquarium and a
couple nights later I dream I'm a guppy swimming around enjoying the
patterns of light reflected off the marbles and the play of water
currents on the ferns. Symbolizes nothing; just ideas floating in my
head being played with and explored.
Or again, some dream is supposedly a symbol of some sexual
suppression. I don't buy it. My sexual frustrations and so on get
played out in real dreams about real sex.
One dream I reported was cleverly interpreted by someone with an
implication of descent into Hell. Don't make me laugh. All I did was
exit an apartment building the normal way, by going downstairs, albeit
in a car, and I arrived on the street and everything was hunky-dory.
And of course there is my regular dream about riding on the back of a
cobra through the grass. I regularly have that dream because it's fun
and I have some control over my dreams. It has nothing to do with
danger or protectors or power or the cobra that is part of the Buddha's
enlightenment story. It's more akin to a carnival ride.
What I'm saying is that I think dreams have to do with us here and now,
maybe what we want and maybe what we fear, but more often just what we
are doing. I generally enjoy my dreams, and remember them better than
most people, but I don't try to interpret them. I think they are me
interpreting and organizing my life, not deep powers sending me
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