
Monday, January 20, 2014

Global warming and the solar cycle

It astonishes me how some people bray their ignorance of scientific things every chance they get, completely unaware of what asses they are showing themselves to be.  Local weather events are only slightly related to overall global trends, and very often go in the opposite direction.  They prove nothing.

The planet is warming; we have lots of evidence of that in melting glaciers, flora and fauna moving northward, longer growing seasons, and so on.  We also know the sun has over the last few hundred years shown an eleven year cycle in its activity, but this most recent high was much less than in the past.  There are reasons to think but no real proof that this has a small effect on climate.  We also know that levels of certain gases, known to raise global temperatures, have been increasing.  There is argument over the significance of this, with a considerable majority of climatologists telling us it presents a danger.

Now if the sun is going to decrease its activity, and we don't know that it will, this may give the world a little extra time as the warming may as a result decrease, and even for a while cool down a bit.  That would appear to be good news.  Still, efforts to reduce the emission of global warming gases would appear to be the wisest course by far.

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