People who become police officers very often (although of course not always) have their own set of problems with authority, are "into" uniforms and guns and night sticks and sirens and so on, and generally have an exaggerated self-righteousness (they are serving the public so how dare anyone talk back or disobey or throw them the finger)!. Lots of them are plain racists and homophobes and bigots of other various sorts. Vetting and training can help, but it is not widespread nor anywhere near complete enough.
The public of course doesn't help. For the most part they are underpaid and certainly not appreciated, and generally ignored, but this they have to expect. It goes with the territory. After all, they chose to become cops.
"A policeman's lot is not a happy one," and, "We should have thought of that before we joined the force."
By the way, this is not a uniquely American problem. It is the case everywhere, and in America at least demands for bribes are not normal routine.
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