
Saturday, June 25, 2016

Greed, racism, immigration and Brexit

The way I see it America is a nation composed almost entirely of illegal immigrants.  None of the original European population went there legally and they stole the land for the most part.  Even later immigrants for the most part just arrived.  It wasn't until the twentieth century that restrictions were imposed (at first on a racist basis against Chinese).
There is nothing really unusual about the American story.  Vietnam stole most of its territory from the Chom and the Khmer.  One wonders who they stole it from back in prehistory.  The Indo-European speakers stole most of their land from earlier inhabitants.  It goes on and on -- even the Native Americans constantly fought and periodically wiped out one of their tribes.
What is really behind resistance to immigration is a combination of fear (of Muslims mainly) and greed (I got mine, and I don't want to share).  The plain fact is that mixing peoples of different types almost always leads to difficulties of one sort or another -- mankind is evil that way.  There are some however who rise above these primitive instincts.  As we just saw in Britain, they tend to be a minority.

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