
Friday, May 27, 2016

Why don't gays die out?

A comment on this gay business: my understanding is that at least for male homosexuals the tendency is inherited in the female line, perhaps even on the Y chromosome (although of course the idea of a gay gene is too simple).  If that is the case, even if gay men don't reproduce, it would have no effect.
I would agree that strictly gay men almost certainly don't have babies, unless they do it medically, and most won't.  That may be evidence that a "strictly" gay man is much more rare than imagined.
Another possibility is that gayness provides some unrelated survival benefit, such as better survival rates in the womb and in childhood, and maybe even in finding a wife.  For gay women, it has been so long that men dominate that they just go ahead and have babies, until recently at least.  

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