
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Mormons and coffee and tea

When I went through the sessions as a teenager with a couple of Mormon "Elders" (young men on their two-year missionary assignment) I was told that tobacco, alcohol, tea and coffee were prohibited. 

When I asked why, health reasons were cited. I'm pretty sure there is a passage somewhere in the Bible predicting that false profits would come telling people to not eat certain foods.

Well we know that (except in excess) coffee contains all sorts of good things for us, and unfermented tea is wonderful for our health (fermented tea seems to be good too, although not as good). This makes the idea that the ban came from God ridiculous on its face.

At the time I learned of all this, I was a typical teenager given to an occasional beer, and could see no harm except alcoholism, so I thought it should be allowed for anyone without that problem. Of course we now know that even a drink a week is linked to some increase in cancer, so I abstain. This is probably excessive on my part.

I think we have a moral responsibility to take care of ourselves, using reason and moderation, and I do not think it is the business of any church to dictate to anyone on these matters, only to give advice and good example.

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