
Sunday, September 6, 2015

A lump came to my throat reading about the reception of the refugees in Germany and Austria.  The Hungarians should be ashamed.

It is true that most of these are probably "Economic" immigrants -- meaning their lives are in no terrible danger and the main motive is to improve their lives and the lives of their children.  I just do not see anything wrong with that.

Germany and Austria are getting an influx of young ambitious people willing to take risks.  The saying is, "When the going gets tough the tough get up and go." A nation can only be helped by an influx of such people, especially as their work will pay the pensions of the otherwise aging German population.

Of course there are cultural differences and there will be acculturation problems, and a few of the Muslims coming in will be dangerous radicals.  They will deal with them and end up a richer, more vibrant, wealthier, more powerful and certainly more admirable society.

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