To be dogmatic here for a moment, it seems to be obvious that we have no
soul, no "self." Just sit quietly and "watch" your thoughts (be
mindful). You can see that all it is is a process of one thought after
another, loosely connected, sometimes branching and going in circles,
sometimes starting off on a new track, sometimes influenced by an
uprising emotion or memory or an external stimulus.
There is a difference between things that.are processes (where each
event occurs in sequence and pushes itself along) and material of even
spiritual objects, that have tangible stasis and properties. A wave is
like our mind -- it generally pushes itself along but still is
influenced by the lay of the land, by the wind, by passing objects, by
interaction with other waves, and so on. The water that is the medium
of the wave moves in little circles as the wave passes, but is not the
What happens at death is of course that the medium the mind has for this
process -- brain we suppose -- stops functioning and decays. What then
can possible happen to mind? It is hard to imagine it continuing
elsewhere, without a medium, but of course this is the foundation idea
of rebirth teachings.
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