One of the things I miss most about living in the tropics (Vietnam) is I have no excuse to have a fireplace. I miss even those natural gas things that take so little hassle but are still warm and inviting, and a real log fire is one of the world's joys, especially when its cold outside and it gets one's cat and one's dog to both curl up nearby.
Almost as nice as waking up on a brisk morning covered in a heavy quilt and being in a situation to stay there and luxuriate.
However except for these two little things, and I guess the beauty of new fallen snow, winter sucks. Snow is pretty only from a distance and from inside a warm house, and all I have to do is step in wet snow where I don't see a drop and it gets over my boot and into the boot and wets my socks with its slushy coldness and I'm off to Vietnam. I can stand being cold anywhere except my feet.
Final straw -- having to scrape the ice off the windows of the car and then try to drive on icy or slushy roads -- different set of problems for each and neither any good.
So still I want a fireplace. The locals are already pretty convinced I'm crazy, and if I go to the trouble and expense of installing one, it will confirm the matter, so I guess if for no other reason than face I will need to do without. What could I substitute?
Well the Asians already have that one figured out. Have an aquarium. Not a goldfish bowl with a few forlorn guppies but a big ol' tank with all sorts of things moving around and, most important, bubbles making their way from the bottom to the top. I think it's the upward movement that is so pleasant.
Of course it won't give off warmth -- not something I would want anyway considering my air conditioning bill -- but it would give a pleasant light and sound. It might also attract my cats, although for entirely the wrong reason.
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