
Saturday, August 6, 2016

Eliminating Islam

Eliminating Islam would not eliminate terrorism; the West has produced its own share.  I blame the human ego -- none of us amount to much but there are some who think they should, and resort to this sort of thing as the only way they are going to be "important."

Mass destruction of the Middle East, or wherever, is a thing I could predict if nations there resort to mass destruction elsewhere, but it is not something I would want.  The West is too weak and divided and has too many people who just simply don't think rationally (and so generate political problems for those advocating a clear-headed policy) to be able to effectively carry out the long-term, expensive (in lives and money), sustained program that is going to be needed to protect humanity from Islam's extremes -- which, unfortunately, I have to say are buried deep in the religion even though most Muslims rise above it, to the extent they see beyond Islam.

This is an ongoing problem for democracies.  They are never strong and consistent, but shift policy and behavior with the political wind.  

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