
Monday, December 15, 2014

Everyone keeps telling me I don't look my age.  I use to think it was because I'm fat and so don't show wrinkles as much and I still have my hair.  Trouble is I know my age, and now that I've gone gray and they still say it I think I am being fibbed to.  (A fib is not a lie -- lies are malicious but fibs are not).

That reminds me.  I don't believe in ethics by the rule book -- the "Thou shalt not lie" stuff.  There are times when lying through your teeth is the only honorable and ethical thing to do, if it protects someone from harm.  It is usually not hard to tell when a lie is called for and when it is wrong -- is the lie selfish or not, and does it harm someone else.  Lots of lies are neutral -- they may be a little selfish but do no one else any harm. 

This is not ethical relativity or situational ethics.  If something is wrong it is wrong -- no situational or relativity about it -- but determining right and wrong requires thought and reasoning, not just the blind application of rules.

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